Metatrader Linux Ubuntu Forex Trading
Running MetaTrader trading software on Linux Ubuntu is straightforward with the help of Wine, a compatibility layer that allows Windows applications to run on Linux. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for installation and troubleshooting to ensure smooth operation of MetaTrader on your Ubuntu system.
Run Metatrader on Ubuntu Linux with Wine.
Follow these steps to install MetaTrader on Ubuntu:
Step 1: Downloading Wine
- Open the Ubuntu Software repository and download & install Wine. Wine allows you to run and install .exe files on Linux.
Step 2: Installing Wine
- After installing Wine, download MetaTrader 4 (MT4) from your broker’s website.
Step 3: Running Installer
- Run the MT4 installer. The software will be installed using Wine in your chosen location.
Step 4: Ready to Go
- Once installed, MetaTrader 4 terminal icons will appear on the desktop. Double-click the icon to launch and use MetaTrader.
If you encounter errors while running MT4 with Wine, follow these troubleshooting methods:
Unhandled exception: page fault on write access to 0x00000000 in 32-bit code (0x01f1b608).
Register dump:
CS:0073 SS:007b DS:007b ES:007b FS:0033 GS:003b
EIP:01f1b608 ESP:0033181c EBP:00331858 EFLAGS:00010202( R- — I – – – )
EAX:00110108 EBX:01f1b608 ECX:00000000 EDX:6acfe7e0
ESI:00000000 EDI:6ae10a08
Stack dump:
0x0033181c: 6a76f238 01f1b608 01ec0000 00110000
0x0033182c: 003318fc 00000000 00000025 01f1b608
0x0033183c: 00000000 00331868 01f1b9d8 00331878
0x0033184c: 01f1b610 00331918 01735168 00331878
0x0033185c: 6a205086 003318cc 6ab9aac8 00000000
0x0033186c: 7bc7facd 01f1b9e0 6acfe580 00331898
Method 1: Creating a New Wine Prefix
- Open the Home folder and enable “Show hidden files” from the view options.
- Locate the .wine folder and rename it to .wine_old.
- This forces Wine to create a new prefix.
- Navigate to the MT4 installation directory and run uninstaller.exe to uninstall it.
- Delete the MT4 files and desktop shortcut.
- Reinstall MT4 and run it again.
Method 2: Running Terminal.exe Directly
- Alternatively, navigate to the MT4 installation directory and run terminal.exe. This often resolves errors without needing to uninstall.
- For the desktop shortcut, delete the old one and create a new shortcut for terminal.exe.
Installing and running MetaTrader on Ubuntu is made easy with Wine. By following these steps and troubleshooting methods, you can ensure a smooth trading experience on your Linux system.