Stay protected from financial scams. Beware of scammers who pretend to be INTRAQUOTES and offer to trade or invest in Crypto / Forex / Binary Options/ Stock for you. INTRAQUOTES does not provide such fund manager services or ask for your personal information. Always verify the identity of anyone claiming to represent us
Beware of financial scammers who pretend to be Intraquotes.
They may contact you or create fake Intraquotes pages/website/WhatsApp/Call with our logo or name.
Fake Payment Proof: Beware of scammers who may show you fake payment screenshots from other sources and claim they are valid. They may also create multiple fake accounts to make it seem like many people are interested and satisfied with their offer.
They may ask you to invest in forex/crypto/stocks/binary options trading funds for high returns.
Free Download: Beware of scammers who claim to offer you our indicator for free. They may send you a fake download link or ask you to pay and register on a fraudulent site. The only way to download and purchase INTRAQUOTES indicator is through mql5.coms site or Metatrader Trading platform. Do not trust any other sources.
If you encounter such scammers, report them to us with their page, person or user ID. Our legal team will take action.
Intraquotes only sends email from domain. Any other email is fake and should be ignored.
Scammers may send fake emails asking you to invest money or promote scam brokers or company funds. Do not trust them. Always check the email address. We never send email from gmail/yahoo or any other emails.
Follow us only on our official social media pages. We never authorize any third party to use our logo, name and collect money in our name.
Intraquotes never asks you to invest in any trading funds. We are a financial education hub, not a fund manager.
Be careful and stay alert. Protect yourself from financial fraud.
List of entities impersonating us.
Note: Above list is not exhaustive. An entity not appearing in the list should not be assumed to be authorised by the INTRAQUOTES.
View more on scam alert.